Naneun nareul pagoehal gwolliga itda 2005


S is a suicide designer who assists people to commit suicide according to a method of their own choosing. When a woman kills herself, her boyfriend decides to investigate, and discovers that S is behind the suicide...

Tutti i titoli
  • KR: Naneun nareul pagoehal gwolliga itda Naneun nareul pagoehal gwolliga itda
  • FR: Suicide designer Suicide designer
  • JP: 私は私を破壊する権利がある 私は私を破壊する権利がある
  • KR: Naneun nareul pagoehal gwolliga itda Naneun nareul pagoehal gwolliga itda
  • KR: My Right to Ravage Myself My Right to Ravage Myself
  • KR: The Right to Ravage Myself The Right to Ravage Myself
Data di rilascio 15 Apr 2005
Link IMDb
